Find everything you need in our articles, case studies and videos.
We are delighted to announce that Edinburgh-based technology specialist Liftango has appointed Jason McGibbon as its Chair.
Liftango is excited to announce that Hampshire Hospitals will be joining the Liftango My Journey carpool initiative, in partnership with Commutifi.
Liftango is very pleased to announce the next major product release “Adelante” for its Carpool, On Demand and Fixed Routes Apps.
Find out how Liftango’s longest-serving carpool program has reached 540% user growth.
How On-Demand transport can become a metropolitan trend.
Working with Ngātiwai iwi, Liftango has launched a community-led, on-demand service that connects Maori communities to essential services in rural New Zealand.
Speakers from MDLV Group, NRTAP, Battle Creek Transit and Liftango discuss how we can improve access to transport in rural areas.
As populations in the Middle East continue to surge, infrastructure and transport networks are continuing to adapt. We explore suitable transport solutions.
We explore a range of urban demand-responsive transport case studies, highlighting what urban DRT projects look like in practice & the benefits they can bring.
Solving parking issues requires sustainable and space-saving commute options. We explore case studies across the globe showing how carpooling programs can help.
Liftango is thrilled to have won three awards this month: the CiTTi Public Transport Award, plus the BVCA Vision Scottish and National Awards.
Liftango is very pleased to announce the next major product release “Abrazo” for its Carpool, On Demand and Fixed Routes Apps.